Sunday, May 22, 2005

Feliz Arsenal!

They did'nt show the game here which is suprising cos bolivians are football mad. So I read about the game on the internet. "Jonas, sounds like you were lucky to win with all those shots on goal from united. But hey a least you got some silver ware this year, congratulations!".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can I say? we had one shot on target and scored five goals, they have about twenty and scored only four! Arsenal really missed Henry and we played with only Bergkamp up front which did not lead to much pace and attacking options. But heh, I have been to many games where we have dominated and the other team has one (ie Liverpool in the cup final only about three years ago) so I do not feel to guilty. When Josh is twenty it will simply be that Arsenal won and not that we were completelt outplayed and had only one shot and one corner in 120 minutes of football.
Great to get a mention mate. Pray you are doing well and still using the opportunity to fall deeper in love with God. Keep going fella and looking forward to seeing you when you get back to blighty (there is a heatwave forcast for the summer you will be pleased to know which should help you reclimatise!!!!).

6:01 PM


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