Friday, May 13, 2005

Salar de Uyuni

One of the must sees in Bolivia is the Salt lake in Uyuni located at the southern Altiplano in the Andes. I took a tree day tour riding in a Toyota 4x4 with a bunch of crazy brazilians. It started in Uyuni a completely desolute town in the middle of know where so I had to take a bus and train from La Paz that took a day arriving in Uyuni late that night. I stayed over in a hostel and started the tour that next morning. First we drove to the salt lake and saw the locals cutting out the salt and loading onto trucks. Then we visited Isla de los Pescadores (island of the fisherman) situated right in the centre of the salt lake covered in huge cactus 12 metres tall. I saw pink flamingoes on green, pink and blue lagunas, bathed in the Termas de Polques (hot springs) saw Geyers spewing out hot sulphur in the 4850m high geyser basin in the crator of a volcano (sol de Manana Geyser Basin), visited strange rock formations formed by strong winds, Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree), saw llamas running about and condors soring high in the air. I travelled right down to the border of chile and back up to Uyuni. The Andes are a strange but beautiful landscape with active volcanoes, deserts, and lagunas with temperatures dropping to -40c in the evening. A real extreme world.


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