Sunday, May 22, 2005


Ok now I know what real machoism is all about. Bolivian miners are probably the toughest dudes on the planet. Took a mine tour right into the depths of the infamous Cerro Rico a metal rich mountain in Potosi. Watched miners drilling holes into the rock in order to shove dynamite into the holes a blow it up. The miners use very loud numatic style drills to bore holes aided with water to supress the dust. While we were there the water pump broke and they were drilling dry. You could see the dust flying through the torch light and it stuck to the back of your throat. We were told that these dust particulars were the biggest danger to the miners reducing their life span to 7 years!! These guys were crazy they knew the risks and did'nt even where dust masks! But we bought them dynamite, soft drinks and coca leaves to make thier lives better. Probably the most dangerous tour yet, just major accidents waiting to happen. The whole mountain has been mined for four centuries with over 300 mines its got more holes in it than swiss cheese. I'm sure one day the whole mountain will cave in! I think I'll stick to my comfortable office job for now.


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