Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Prayer requests

Well as it sounds like God is seriously answering prayers at Christchurch (typical you go away for a few months and it all happens) so I´ll put my requests in quick.

Health, its been a big problem for me so far, there does´nt seem to be obvious foods to avoid.

Spanish, pray for my small but compact brain, I´m not a natural linguist (or speller for that matter). I need to learn more.

Wisdom, I need wisdom as I travel and plan finances and itinaries

Safety, no more arrests so so far so good but I do feel vunerable on my own at times.

There the basics so thank so much. God has been blessing me in so many ways so far. Praise God


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Owen,
I've only just read your very entertaining account of life in Cuba, and pleased to see you are fully embraising your cultural experience!
Sorry to hear your poor stomach has taken such a battering, but glad to read that your beard is keeping back the local pests!! Will pray for you.
Weather a bit mixed in uk...too early for subathing.
Had a great Pathfinder Houseparty!

9:47 AM


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