Monday, June 06, 2005

Inca stuff

For those of you that simply donĀ“t know Cusco is/was the heart of the Inca empire. It was a city that contained the sacred temples and fortresses. You cannot visit Cusco without getting all Incaed out with a tour or four. So I jumped on the tourist band wangon and armed with my guide (Michelle, well she pretented at least) I visited the main sights.
Sacsayhuman was megalithic fortress high above the city built as a dedication to the god of lightening. The massive exterior walls are built in a zig zag fashion to illustrate the lightening. Its also considered to the head of the panther, the body is the city of Cusco and the tail lies near the airport. Yes folks the incas built the city in the shape of the panther one of the three sacred animals. Other sites include Qenko, Salumpuncu thought to be the moon temple and Puca Pucara the imperial baths. We also took a visit out of town to Pisac to the visit the Temple of the Sun and to a cave where they sacrificed young virgin girls to the god Cochabamba by ripping open their chest and pulling out their beating heart, nice. Its all very impressive, they were clearly a very organised and advanced lot these Incas. They certainly intimidated the Spanish with their knowledge and skills. Boo to the Spanish up with the incas. The funny thing is that the naughty Spanish tried to destroy many of the Inca temples but failed to entirely destroy them because they were constructed so well. Instead the spanish simply nicked the stones and built their churches right on top, cheeky huh. But the Incas had the last laugh as they built their buildings to with stand earthquakes so all the Spanish buildings collapsed and revealed the Inca ruins. Ha Ha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Owen

The season for my football club has finished and i am going to a presentation evening. I am hoping to get a medal for my performance in the team and i have scored in the five asides! I pelted it down the other end of the pitch and felt very pleased with myself! Woo Hoo!

love Jack xxx

8:36 PM


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